Counselor Observation Form (COF)
The semi-structured Counselor Observation Form (COF), used in the GERI Summer Residential program, assesses three primary counseling behaviors or criteria and related descriptors. The response scale for the three criteria was a 7point Likert-type scale from excellent (7) to unacceptable (1). Evaluators also checked the descriptors that were observed to support their rating, providing narrative comments when appropriate. Finally, the evaluators award an overall rating from “Is exemplary” to “Does not meet requirements,” and provided narrative description to justify their rating.
Although the COF is self-explanatory and easy to use, an evaluator with counseling training or experience of leading small group is recommended. GERI administrative staff members utilized the COF to facilitate formal and uniform collection of observational data from the small-group affective curriculum model delivered by the camp counselors in the Summer Residential program. Each camp counselor was observed once from 50 minutes to one hour. during small group discussions. Evaluators did not participate in the small groups’ sessions but sat nearby to observe and to complete the COF. This approach allowed the GERI staff members to observe subtle shifts in group dynamics, the effectiveness of the group leaders, and the effectiveness of the groups’ interaction with the topic, with the group leader and with one another. GERI staff members provided interventions or support to the group leaders individually or the group as a whole when needed.
The research of COF is in progress. For more information, please contact Enyi Jen ejen@purdue.edu
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