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Teacher Observation Form (TOF) 


The TOF was developed in the late 1970s to evaluate the teachers of a Saturday enrichment program (Feldhusen & Hansen, 1987). This as well as other university-based enrichment programs are specifically designed for gifted and talented students. More recently, the TOF has also been used to evaluate teachers as they complete their gifted education practicum experience in the process of earning an instructional license in high-ability education.


The TOF has also been made available nationally to teachers and administrators

for the past 25 years, but no formal data were collected on this use of the TOF. Within this one institution’s enrichment programs alone, the TOF has been completed on thousands of teachers over the past 25 years.



Peters, S. J., & Gates, J. C. (2010). The Teacher Observation Form: Revisions and Updates. Gifted Child Quarterly, 54, 179-188.


Wu. J., Jen, E. Y., & Fugate, C. M. (2014, April). Tell us about yourself: The process of developing the Teacher Interview Protocol. Paper presented at 2014 Annual Convention of the American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA.


Wu, J., Yang, Y. & Jen, E. Y. (2012, November). Examining students’ classroom perceptions in a university-based residential program. Paper presented at the 59th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children. Denver, CO.


Jen, E. Y., Wu, J., Yang, Y., & Gentry, M. (2011, November). Teacher instructional quality in a university-based enrichment program: Lessons learned from the observers’ perspective. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Convention of the National Association for Gifted Children. New Orleans, LA.


Click Download to access the instrument (English and Arabic) 







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